I know, that post title is just so inviting. Also, not entirely true. For me today was pretty fantastic. I got an extra hour of sleep (thanks daylight savings time!) to was a beautiful day, highs in the sixties (boo, weather! I have so many sweaters! Chill out, would you?) I knit up until I had to go to work, and then only got called in for two hours (Boo, work! I need hours, don't make me quit you for something more lucrative that I'm not entirely convinced exists...) I just consider all of those things fairly uninteresting to most other people.
However! Yesterday was highly eventful! Well, relatively eventful:
Suzuki training in the morning. It was our first session at the Dojo (I think is what it's called... martial arts practice space). It was exhausting and painful and I felt like a failure while doing it, which generally means you're doing it right.
An amazing Fall bike ride to above training. This is my favorite time of year to ride a bike. Especially in the mornings. I love to carefully select the perfect layers that will keep me warm and cuddled and the smell! The smell is so amazing.
Knit shop hang-out time. Yeah: not boring though some may disagree. I had to felt some slippers for the ESMF (which turned out fabulously) and I knit, drank tea and nibbled on goodies with the ladies for a bit while they tumbled about in the washer.
I got offered to direct something professionally. EEP! Third gig offer out of college, but I won't be divulging anything until things are set. I will just say it's an opportunity I've always wanted and it would be working with people for whom I have a huge amount of respect.
Made soup. Brie and Zucchini soup. "Whaaa?" You may say, IF YOU'RE AN IDIOT BECAUSE THIS SOUP IS AMAZING AND I AM EATING IT RIGHT NOW! (Thanks, sister!)
Had a lovely business/personal meeting with a dear friend about our future of working with each other in which we laughed a lot, cried a little and consumed just the right amount of wine. Much love.
This post a day thing is easy. (She said just three days in having already failed by not posting on the first, so thereby has nothing to lose.)
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