-Go to rehearsal. I got cast in a show two days ago that opens in two weeks. Why do I do this to myself? I hate myself, clearly.
-Write Blog post.
-Bring ESMF vitamins so he doesn't get sick.
-Work on Christmas presents. In all their delicious yarny goodness.
-Memorize lines. (The show's a one act, which is good. I'm one of two characters with an equal line load, which means we're looking at roughly 45 pages of content to memorize, which is... stressful).
-Look up weird words and professions in script.
-Contact only other person who has ever directed a Red Light Variety Show.
I was offered to direct Red Light officially last night. It's a job I've been drooling over for a couple of years now. They're really incredible performers and do a lot of really awesome burlesque. I've never directed a variety show, so I need some guidance. It's also a really great excuse to talk to one of my favorite people in the world.
-Clean house. I have a really hard time memorizing or focusing on a task for an extended period of time if the house isn't in a moderately clean state. Since the time I began writing this I have already flitted off to do the dishes, pick up some socks, make the bed, and sweep.
-Wrap two gifts. I'm seeing a good friend of mine tonight who recently moved to Chicago. When she left she gave me boots. She said she had too many. I have no idea what, "too many boots" means, but I'm certain it will never happen to me. In exchange I made her this:
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Those are little Robot buttons. I love little robots. |
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Just a comfy, alpaca beanie. |
-Eat. Seriously, if I don't write it down, I'll forget entirely and wonder why I'm so grumpy and emotional.
-Print off calenders for November and December and fill out everything I'm doing. I'm going to have to become that kind of person, things are getting difficult to keep track of in my little black book.
-Research film noir and other "noir"-esq things. Suggestions are welcome - this is Red Light's theme.
-Call Verizon. I dread these phone calls, but I've been having service issues with my 3G on the iPad for months. I've avoided doing anything about it because I hate automated systems and even service people who tell me to try something I've already done ("Okay, now turn the device off. Leave it off for about ten seconds. Now turn it back on, does it work?"). But I'm sick of not having service.
-Take baby photo into work. They're having some sort of "fun contest" so they tell me. I don't think I actually own any baby photos of myself (that would be weird, right?) but I'm sure I can find something.
-Go see a show! This is where the sweater and hat will be given away. My friend that moved to Chicago promptly got cast in a show back here and is back until tomorrow. Hooray!
Now that's a pretty rockin' day. There's actually not one of those things that is going to suck to do. Well, except call about my service. Those things usually blow.
And now: I go, I go, look how I go! Swifter than arrow from tartars bow!
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