I did indeed, lose my job for the first time in my short little history on this world.
I have, in the past, treated my jobs as many women treat their men. I've left them, easily and not so, I've loved them, secretly hated them, respected them, sometimes they've respected me. This one came as rather a shock. I'm not sure I would go so far as to say I loved this job. I certainly had a huge amount of respect for this job, and worked very hard to make sure that was recognized. I did, however, love, more than anything, the people who worked with me there. Never have I met a group of smarter, sweeter people all under one roof.
Why did I lose it, one may ask? Good question. That's still up for debate, and truly, at this point matters very little. Let's just say I did not take it well, and there was quite a bit of crying and ice cream and more crying that went along with the weekend following.
Now to the good part: After living in a couch-less apartment for nearly four months now, we finally got a couch. An amazing, beautiful, sweet (HUGE) red leather couch. And it is delightful. Actually, we also got a huge shelving unit from IKEA. And a vacuum (don't judge me for not vacuuming for four months). Our apartment looks like grown-ups live here now, which is strange, but rather wonderful as well.
That all being said, I now have a shelving unit to pay off (the couch was a screaming deal from our favorite local coffee shop, and the vacuum is on lend for the winter). So the job hunt begins. I haven't applied for a job anywhere in five years, so my resume need some major re-buffing, which was both depressing and impressive. I dropped resumes everywhere that I had always secretly wanted to work but didn't have time to and while I've been under a bit of a cloud for the last few days (the feelings that come with being "taken off the schedule" are some of the most horrid, confidence-killing ones I've ever experienced) I've found something really amazing over the last two days. The people I know here, the friends I've made are absolutely incredible. Anywhere I've gone to drop a resume and someone I know is there, they've tried to help me in every way possible. These are not friends I've had for years, or really even people I've ever had an actual conversation with. These are all friends of friends or people I see regularly downtown and they want to help me. It has been a super warm and fuzzy feeling.
Now that I have these next four months to... well... anything, I've realized that I'm busier now than I have been since I graduated college two years ago; and it's all stuff I actually want to be doing. I'm teaching classes at a knitting store, working on two shows and a project that we're looking to take internationally in the late Spring. It's the most theater work I've done since college, and hopefully some of the best.
I'm actually glad I didn't lose a couch and find a job.
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