So! To combat this icky feeling, I've been doing strange things that you normally would find me doing sporadically at any given time, now doing them regularly. Here's a sample of my life lately:
- Going to yoga. Regularly. Like 5 times a week, which is a little insane, but it always gives me that happy feeling afterwards. Borderline smug, actually, which comes with an icky-ness of it's own.
- Cleaning. This one's just weird. Doing the dishes every morning. Sweeping. (Vacuuming! Now that I have one) Regular visits to the laundry room. Folding cloths instead of throwing them on the floor. Organizing closets. Scrubbing the kitchen.
- Actually cooking meals that are more than following directions on a box (working at a restaurant had it's one irreplaceable quality of dirt cheap and delicious food).
- Checking Craigslist every morning to see what sort of amazing job could be in my future.
- Knitting. Okay, this one isn't really surprising to anyone, it's just been A LOT of knitting. And unfortunately I've lost my will to not have more than three projects on the needles at a time now. I think at the moment I have closer to eight. Yikes. Like this:
And this:
- Oh yeah, and blogging. Apparently I do that now too.
Sadly, no matter how hard I'm focusing on other things and how much I throw myself into memorizing lines, or finding a job, or knitting a sweater, or warrior II the fact of the matter is, I'm not bringing in any sort of income at all. It's strange, it's not a feeling of desperation for me quite yet. Luckily I plan for these types of situations and have a cushion to fall back on. I just can't shake that feeling of not bringing in money=worthless. Don't get me wrong. I know my definitions of value and worth are seemingly melding in this post, but I know I'm getting some very valuable and very worthwhile things done in this time, but that doesn't make it any easier to ignore the fact that I don't have anything immediately dependable to rely on.
Well. Except for me.
I am typically an internet lurker, like a voyeur into other people's lives via the blogosphere, but I had to leave you a comment. I happened across your blog from the Rav Treasure Valley Group, and am actually in a similar yikes-I-don't-have-a-job-and-feel-worthless-now-what? funk. I have to say, your positive attitude despite the fact is very refreshing :)