I will spare you any reasons that it's been eleven months since I've mentioned anything via blog. I disappeared from a lot of things and didn't give anyone else explanations, so posting one here hardly seems fair.
All that nonsense aside: I'm applying for graduate schools again this year. Because one year of rejections simply wasn't enough. I want more. MORE I TELL YOU. I HAVE REJECTION HUNGER! (I really wish I could post a photo of me eating one of my rejection letters from last year, but alas, they're in storage). I've been in the process of gathering thoughts for my statement of purpose (which is coming along nicely, but messily). Last years SoP was, well, boring, for lack of a better term. I've been carrying around a notebook with me for the past few months and jotting down thoughts about my work as a theater human while I'm in a plane, having dinner, knitting, at concerts, getting too drunk at bars and turning the conversation too serious with my friends and winding up in tears because alcohol and feelings are AWESOME. So suffice it to say, some of them are ridiculous. Let the sharing begin. And if some of these stand out to you as particularly awesome or particularly dreadful, please feel free to share, just keep it classy, people, okay? And if you really want to ridicule me for your personal opinions on my personal business just send me a personal e-mail like every other self-respecting human does when they want to tactfully ridicule people on personal stuff. Right. So here:
Story-telling is important to me.
Learning bravery and brevity
causing a story
necessary narrative
equal parts detective and explorer
I am the proud owner of many mistakes
Technicalities as second nature
Breaking off the technical and gnawing at it until it's mine again
creationism means something different to me.
consuming story
consummating story
world takeover of story
if theater is a lab- labs are designed for experiments conducted under a set of guidelines.
my brain is the mad scientist and my body's the Bunsen Burner.
Eating a story
I have a theory that space is time's hot sister
The work I do is physical and meditated and meditative and spontaneous and wise and cracking wise and mundanely legendary.
The work I do is rich in texture, iconography, stereotype, language of movement and culture.
I crave more modes and methods of communication
I am well versed in how to speak properly onstage and how to love deeply, quickly and easily in life. I utilize a lexicon as effectively as I do my empathy. My work ethic is paralleled only by my desire for adventure and play. I have a voice that is strong, full and hungry for a venue, feedback and hoards of co-conspirators.
Creating an environment in which we allow story to happen
So yeah. That's what I've been up to... Gets pretty hippy-dippy sounding pretty quickly, doesn't it? And yes, I am working on patenting "Mundanely legendary" because that pretty much describes most things in my life- and for a girl whose blog title is "over-underwhelmed" can you really be surprised at that?
See you in about a year, I guess.
LOVE all of this. GO SARAH!