So, as I mentioned briefly, we've recently moved again. For the third time this year actually. Crazy? Insane? Out of control stressful? Oh yes.
May look a lot like the old place to you... |
But so worth it.
But this doesn't. |
More square footage, a kitchen that we can booth stand in comfortably, a gorgeous view that includes both downtown and the foothills, still in our price range, and just perfect.
You may be wondering, "Gee, that looks like a really nice place for someone who's strapped for cash. Maybe you should live somewhere that costs less and doesn't look so pretty." Valid, albeit extremely judgmental and none of your business. However, I do feel like it's important to address said point. I've lived in this town for over ten years now, in many different locations. I've found that where I live has a huge impact on my happiness. I'm willing to spend a little more on rent and a little less on everything else so I don't have to sacrifice my sanity and joy.
Also, I was feeling a bit lonely when the ESMF was out of town last weekend, so I did something ridiculous:
This is Charlie. |
I adopted a Norfolk Island Pine as a Christmas tree.
Some of my sister's family's gifts. |
I've also been wrapping presents like a crazy person. Thinking I may just do okay for Christmas this year...
The cat has adjusted nicely to the new place. She's being weird and sitting by some onions and garlic here. She does this to confuse us. |
That's it, really. Nothing witty or educational in this post. Parade of hand made Christmas gifts to come soon. For now, I leave you with this:
Night view. Merry Christmas. |
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